22 mars 2013

> Archive #89
(F. B. )

"Shatan boogie" (2007)

F. B. : Various strings, percussions, jew's harp, voice, religious discourse sound archive.

(downloadable here with many other mp3 archives) 

19 mars 2013

> Archive #88
(F. B.)

N. B. : "Half sleep rebound" (2011)   has been removed because it will feature on my new upcoming CD album "Vagal" released very soon by Gazul records.

11 mars 2013

Sound design / montage son sur "Allez hop !" de Juliette Baily
Sound design / musique et montage son et  sur "Les démons de Ludwig" de Gabriel Jacquel.

Au Fresnoy (Tourcoing) samedi 16 mars, 19h30 (dans le cadre de la fête de l'Anim)

3 mars 2013

> Archive #87

(F. B.)

"Pythagoran tuning conspiracy in an unsteady rythm environment" (2011)

F. B. : guitar, extended piano, processing.

(downloadable here with many other mp3 archives)