!! New release : "Three field recording compositions" by Falter Bramnk.
(CD-R, Field Recording Series by Gruenrekorder, Germany / 2009)
1. Even the birds left us #0 : Krakow/Auschwitz/Birkenau, Poland, 2005
2. The city of the doges : Venice, Italy, 2006
3. Buona notte : Sicily, Italy, 2004
Infos, audio, order : http://gruenrekorder.de/?page_id=360
4 commentaires:
Sorry to bother!
Is there any copy left that I could order from you? Gruenrekorder is all sold out ...
You are welcome.. Regarding your question, yes I know (about GRK) and I gave my last copy (to Tim Hodgkinson) two weeks ago. Very sorry.
Oh, okay.
In this case, maybe you can set up a bandcamp account and make it available there (I think more people will be willing to pay for the download)...
Would very much like to hear it.
Hey, you are lucky, I have found again a copy in a box ! Do you still want it ? Please write me here : falter.bramnk@free.fr
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